"Covid Care Cell" guildline mention (100% covid safe school advertisment)
Message From Principal

Principal Message:

I strongly believe that educations should be such that it natures and nourishes the mind, body, intellect, culture and spiritual life of elder children and adolescents through providing life skill possess before them. Our procedures and commitment to quality education have forced us to break free from the conventional system of education, we emphasize on making learning process an interesting event for our students by supporting humorous activities, individual group presentations, power point presentation and assignments. We try to enrich learning by organizing field trips too various places like post office, bank, hospital, factories, railway stations or a host of other places. We lay great emphasis on character building of spirituality for all round development. We conduct seminars, Workshops and counseling sessions for our students I hope that our students will become very productive and responsible citizens having human moral values with global outlook.

Keeping together is beginning.
Staying together is progress.
Working together is success.

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